Lilac Syrup

The New Vintage Kitchen

Let’s eat the flowers!

IMG_7882Lilac season is glorious, though fleeting. I look forward to these voluptuous May blossoms with great anticipation each year. With lots of old-fashioned lilacs on my property, I know I will fill my vases every day, and the scent will fill my lungs with spring. After a long winter and cold, wet spring, this magnificence renews the spirit.

Smells good enough to eat

I remember some years ago I had picked a large bouquet and buried my face in the blossoms. They smelled so wonderful, I took a big bite of them. They were disappointing, bitter, but I did break off some of the little florets for a garnish for a salad that night and they were perfect.

Another way to eat these flowers is to turn them into a syrup. The only time consuming part is picking off the little flowers, but it goes fast…

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