Town Centre Shopping

Stevie Turner

On Tuesday I ventured into our local town centre, Bury St. Edmunds, for the first time in 3 months.  Mr Johnson had kindly allowed me to travel to our holiday home in July, and I wanted to buy some sun cream in Marks & Spencer’s whilst the shopping centre was relatively quiet.  They stock the only sun cream that my face can tolerate.

Relatively quiet was an understatement.  I passed by many shops that were open, but they had no customers.  A bouncer stood outside Debenham’s, but the cordoned queueing section was empty.  Cafes were either closed or just doing take-aways, and of the shops that were open, a couple had 50% off advertised in the windows.  The few people that were about had managed to find their way to the shops with the biggest discounts.

Barring Covid, I had a sudden theory as to why the shopping centre might…

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